Welcome !!

View on Webpage

Thankyou for joining me here . i am gonna link some of my simple project i worked on as a complete beginner. These make me feel nostalgic whenever i see them lol.

The Begining

this is the very first page i worked on following some video series on youtube.

The Begining

For more details see the code here code on GitHub.

The Color Game

Enjoy the color game by guessing its rgb. I had fun working on this one lol

The Color Game

For more details see the code here code on GitHub.

Todo Application

This is a simple dynamic todo application where you can add your todo list and check and unchecked them if they are completed or not. I still remember it took almost whole night for me to complete this simple app lol. you are welcome if you want to work on its css.

Todo Application

For more details see the code here code on GitHub.